Amy Emley, The Phoenix & the Virtual Sober Active Community....

The Phoenix was the first sober active organization to successfully organize members of the addiction recovery community around a self-care-based lifestyle.  The Phoenix is now in scores of states, works with local sober active groups to develop programming, and hosts an annual trip to Moab, Utah.  Anyone who tells you recovery is “boring” hasn’t been to workouts or social events sponsored by The Phoenix…

Here's an interview with New Jersey based Amy Emley, a Chapter Director & Senior Yoga Instructor for The Phoenix about the organizations work, virtual classes and social events during the pandemic and plans for the future.

For more information on The Phoenix, visit, on Facebook @The Phoenix and Instagram @riserecoverlive.    Make sure to check out the virtual calendar on The Phoenix website that lists free daily programming…

For more information on Spiritual Adrenaline, visit  

#aa #na #hope #sober #soberlife #hope #spiritualadrenaline #centralrecoverypress #centralrecoverypress @riserecoverlive @thephoenix @scottstrode


Mike Foley: Staying Fit in Times of Crisis...


Joe Cannon: Nutrition & Supplements in the Age of the Corona Virus...