
Spiritual Adrenaline is a nutrition and exercise based lifestyle that is practiced along with the twelve steps of recovery.


Spiritual Adrenaline is a nutrition and exercise based lifestyle that is practiced along with the twelves steps of recovery.

It's Who and What We Are

Spiritual Adrenaline defines spirituality as turning our focus inward and toward who we are, as opposed to externally, with a focus on other people, places and things. We do not define Spirituality as worship of a God, or as that term is usually referenced in organized religion. We follow Buddhist based principles intended to turn the focus inward so we can get to know and love ourselves. By focusing on who and what we are, rather than on the external (people, places and things), we become comfortable in our own skin.

Our view of what is spiritual is given expansive interpretation. For example, I find the music and life of Dolly Parton to be spiritual. We have to learn to respect what others view as spiritual even if we don’t agree.

Spiritual Adrenaline also integrates meditation practice and breathing techniques to slowly change brain function and assist in the development of tools to handle stress that we all encounter in everyday life. You can change your life simply by changing what is happening in your mind. The world may not change, but your perception of it surely will.


“You Can’t Have the Rainbow Without the Rain.”

Dolly Parton