Spiritual Adrenaline: Strengthen Your Recovery

Different types of exercise carry different types of benefits and put different types of strain on your body.  When choosing that type to integrate into your addiction recovery program, you need to think through important details.  First, what is your health history.  Second, what is your current health status and what stress can your body handle after years of substance abuse and for most, malnutrition.  Third, what are your long-term goals with your exercise program?  Add muscle? Lean out and lose weight?  Improve medical conditions like heart or kidney disease?   Reduce anxiety and/or stress?   Everyone is different so I guide you through the process of determining what type of exercise program is right for you.  Not only that, but also fun and something you will stick with in the long-term. 


Spiritual Adrenaline: Self-Care As A Spiritual Path


Spiritual Adrenaline: Part 2 -- Aspirational